The Master Farmer
Have you heard the story of the foolish farmer? Back a long time ago, before all of our modern farming techniques, there lived a farmer who wasn’t very smart. His father was a farmer and a pretty succesful one at that. He was able to provide for his family a nice life. They had a house, some oxen, and just enough the take care of themselves. His father was a hard worker. The farmer’s dad was smart, but the problem was that the young farmer never listened to his dad. He didn’t pay any attention to what his dad was doing with the farm. He was more interested in other things. He figured that if his dad could do it, it must not be all that hard. He thought that he could figure it out as he went.
One day the foolish farmer decided it was time to start his own family and farm. So he asked his father if he could have some of the land as his own. His dad, eager to have his boy succeed, offered him the best part of his land. The boy gladly accepted it. His father gave him the best plows, the best oxen, and the best seeds that he had. He sent his son off that spring to farm.

The boy quickly learned what he needed to on the job. He worked the ground and planted the seeds in straight rows. Well, as time would wear on everything was working out great for the young farmer. When it was time to harvest he had plenty to take care of. People were impressed with his yeild. It truly was the best ground and the young foolish farmer had done a wonderful job.He wanted to cash in on his successful year so he took all the grain to the market and sold every last bit. He had more money than he knew what to do with. He quickly went out and spent it celebrating how wonderful of a farmer he turned out to be.
By the end of the winter his money had run out, but that was okay because he would surely have a wonderful crop again this year. His only problem was that he had sold all of his seed and had nothing left to plant. He was a foolish farmer because he forgot a basic principal of farming. You must have seeds to plant.All farmers know this principle - if you don’t plant anything, you will have nothing to harvest.
Here is my sermon that relates Leviticus chapter 2 to John chapter 12. I think it's a really interesting and worthwhile comparison. God is the Master Farmer.