
Showing posts from January, 2015

Tying Your Ship to a Single Anchor

The Greek stoic philosopher Epictetus wrote: “One must not tie a ship to a single anchor, nor life to a single hope.” Let me tell you how stupid this is.  It is through discipline and singular devotion that I have found any freedom or happiness in my life. For example, I have devoted myself to just one woman.  Crazy right?  I have committed to love just one woman for the rest of my life.  I have promised to put her above everyone else that is alive.  I have committed to have sex with just her.  Just one woman…for the rest of my life.  As long as she outlives me (which I’m betting she will), I will never have sex with any other woman for the rest of my life, or for all eternity.  What has that singular devotion brought me?  Gee.  Let me think for a little bit.  Ummm.  It’s brought me the single greatest source of encouragement, purpose, happiness, and “home” that I have ever known!!!!  I’m not sure how it’s possible, but it seems like sex with that “same ol’ woman” has gotten e

Watoto came to Westside

Wow!  I throw out exciting words and exclamation points way too much.  I understand that.  It's a part of me.  I'm up and down and all over.  I've come to embrace it and I like that about me.  However, this "WOW!" is different. Wow!  The last 45 hours have been incredible.  Mindy and I have been wanting to go back to Uganda for quite a while.  Not just the two of us, but the entire family.  That's a lot of money and it's not a high priority in our budget right now.  In all honesty, there's a good chance that our entire family will never go back to Uganda...together. But Uganda came rushing back to us this weekend through the incredible ministry of Watoto .  Choir #68 came to our precious Westside Christian Church yesterday and put on two incredible shows.  We had over 300 people come that Sunday morning and everyone left with spirits raised, smiling and crying.  And, hopefully, in awe of the amazing redemptive work of God. This all began