
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Older Brother

This is my sermon for the "older brother" in all of us. This sermon is the second sermon in the story of the Prodigal Son.  We saw the young man take his inheritance early, and disrespect his father.  We saw the pain of the father to let his son go.  We saw the foolishness of the boy to sell off his inheritance, go to a distant land, and squander it away.  We saw him hit the bottom in a feedlot, come to his senses, and go back to his father to plead with him to let him be a servant in his father’s house.  Well, when he was a long way off the father saw him coming and ran out to get him.  The boy started to ask for forgiveness and his father interupted him and gave him his best robe, a ring, and sandals.  He then killed the fatted calf and they had a celebration.  Our story ended with the father gladly proclaiming, “This son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!” We understand that this is a parable that Jesus is telling them in order for th