
Showing posts from March, 2013

A little child cannot do a bad coloring

I love Brennan Manning .  I am re-reading The Ragamuffin Gospel .  I have forgotten how incredible his book is.  It really is a must read.  Here is a short section that got me today: "A father is delighted when his little one, leaving off her toys and friends, runs to him and climbs into his arms.  As he holds his little one close to him, he cares little whether the child is looking around, her attention flitting from one thing to another, or just settling down to sleep.  Essentially the child is choosing to be with her father, confident of the love, the care, the security that is hers in those arms.  Our prayer is much like that.  We settle down in our Father's arms, in his loving hands.  Our mind, our thoughts, our imagination may flit about here and there; we might even fall asleep; but essentially we are choosing for this time to remain intimately with our Father, giving ourselves to him, receiving his love and care, letting him enjoy us as he will.  It is very simple pr

A slow drip

In her book Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus , Lois Tverberg retells the following story about a famous first century rabbi named Rabbi Akiva: "One day as Rabbi Akiva was shepherding his flocks, he noticed a tiny stream trickling down a hillside, dripping over a ledge on its way toward the river below. Below was a massive boulder. Surprisingly, the rock bore a deep impression. The drip, drip, drip of water over the centuries had hollowed away the stone. Akiva commented, "If mere water can do this to hard rock, how much more can God's Word carve a way into my heart of flesh?" Akiva realized that if the water had flowed over the rock all at once, the rock would have been unchanged. It was the slow but steady impact of each small droplet, year after year, that completely reformed the stone." I have often wondered why we need to keep meeting together for Worship Services every Sunday.  I have often wondered why I need to read the Bible over and over again

The discouraged encourager

I've come to realize that I am a really good encourager because I am constantly having to encourage myself.  I am the first person to become discouraged.  When I feel that someone is discouraged I HAVE to encourage them.  It's a fire that swells up in my stomach and I can't keep it in. Because the Spirit of God lives within me - my greatest weakness is also my greatest strength. quote Chumbawamba...I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down.