Palm Sunday and April Fool's Day

1 Corinthians 1:18, “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” It is pure foolishness for Jesus to let himself be killed. What good can he do when he is dead? What miracles can he perform when he is dead? For so many people Jesus just comes off as dumb. He is nice, but He is naive. He doesn’t really understand the world. The teaching of the Bible is just too simple. It’s too old. It just doesn’t play in our world. You cannot live like Jesus is really asking. It’s being too fanatical. It’s foolish. The High Priest Caiaphas is right - we don’t need to know if Jesus really is God’s son or whatever He is claiming. We need to make sure that we are secure politically and financially. Jesus disrupts peace he doesn’t bring it. They asked him to quiet down and Jesus said “no, you don’t understand. These people ...