Living in the Kingdom

Living in the Kingdom of Heaven is not like living in a house. It's more like living in a family.

Living in a house: If the most important part of my home life was the house that I live in I would have a very nice looking house. The grass would always be mowed. I would have great flowers and plants all around the house. I would probably vacuum and dust a lot. I would get mad when the kids have their toys all over the house. I would have my allegiance to the house looking nice. I would take satisfaction in my furniture, my tv, my view.

That's sounds a lot like being a slave to my house. My beautiful house becomes my beautiful prison.

Living in a family: Living in a family doesn't have the same constraints that the house has. When my family is of utmost importance I make sure that I am always serving my family. Maybe it's through hard work and doing a job well. That brings me money to serve my family as well as a lesson to teach my kids. I can receive appreciation from my wife. I can serve a purpose for people who will give it back to me.

That's more like living in freedom. A house will never give back. A family will.

The kingdoms of this world will not give back. They only take. The Kingdom of Heaven started by Jesus Christ giving His life. So then you give yours. Now things are off to a good start. It's a shared freedom that we get when we give and receive love.

In the scripture that I am preaching about next week, Jesus tells us to seek praise from God, not from people. I have seen good christian people take this feeling and say that praise is never a reason to do anything. You do it because it is the right thing to do. I know that I need appreciation and praise. (You may call me weak and that would be fine. I am.) I want to know that God sees what I am doing and praises me. I want the freedom from my insecurities that only God can bring.

Thank you for bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth Jesus.


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