The Beatitudes

If you walk into a Christian bookstore I am sure that you will find Matthew 5:3-12 somewhere. It may be in a plate, a coffee mug, a shawl that you hang on the wall, a water bottle, or even a plaque for your desk. You may even find it on a shirt. So you could take this one scripture and wrap up in the Beatitude blanket while sipping coffee from a Beatitude mug. On the table next to you you could have a bagel on your Beatitude plate. Maybe this scripture has been a bit overdone, without really being understood.
The Beatitudes (or as Robert Shuler calls them - The Be-happy Attitudes!) is not a collection of teachings from Jesus about how to be happy. This section of scripture is right at the beginning of Jesus' first message.
People from all over had heard of Jesus healing people and forgiving sin (which only God can do). People followed him. Jesus didn't schedule a "worship service" or have anyone "sign up for a class or workshop." Jesus didn't tell them that He will make them happy if they just listen to his advice. Jesus used this time to announce the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth. Jesus didn't say that if you are like this - you will be happy. The Beatitudes are not targets to shoot for (Jesus wants me to mourn so I will be comforted? No). The Beatitudes is Jesus pronouncement of the Kingdom come to earth. He is telling us that we should be happy because He has arrived. We should be happy because God has come to earth in the person of Jesus to save us and shed light on what life is really about. Jesus came to bridge the gap between the world and heaven. He didn't bring Heaven to earth. He brought the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.
Rejoice because the King has come to save us and to put things right. Rejoice, not because of your selfishness, but rejoice because the King has come to make things right.
It's okay to have the Beatitude plates. But it is more important to have the words in our hearts than on our walls.