Moving through the Sermon on the Mount

In (what we call) the Sermon on the Mount Jesus tells his audience that they are to give, pray, and fast. Not new to us. We may not do it, but we know that we are supposed to.

Jesus tells the people that gathered to see him that day to give, pray, and fast. He isn't telling them new information. They all knew that they were supposed to be doing these things. Most everyone that had come to hear him that day would have been very familiar with the Law and how they were to live. Jesus just took on the issues of divorce, adultery, murder, and more of the hot topics. Now He moves on to something much tamer, right?

The Israelites knew they were to:

-Give 10% of whatever they earn to God.
-Pray at various times throughout the day.

But, like with the issues he raised in his previous paragraph, He takes everything farther.

Give, pray, and fast without letting anyone know that you are doing it. Why would he do that? Why did he do it then? What's it mean to us now?


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