Creation, Fall, Redemption :::::: Fall (Part 2)

The Fall. Why did it happen?

The simple(ish) answer is that it happened because of free will. God loves us and made us to be in His image. He gave us the ability to choose. We can do as we please. We can use that freedom to honor God and thank him for creating us and giving us freedom, and then get to work doing what he's asked of us. Or we can use that freedom to fulfill the desires that we have. That would then make us a slave to our desires. This is how addiction works.

We crave the freedom to do whatever we want. We use that freedom to care only for ourselves and live only for the present moment. How well does that work? Ever seen someone truly happy because they are addicted to meth? Is there a lot of happiness found in the life of an alcoholic? Is there freedom in covering up a porn addiction?

God gave us free will and we were tricked by a cunning little snake. So we traded that free will for a lifetime of slavery to sin. Oops.

How does that fall shape our worldview?

The world is not evil. God created the physical aspects of our world. God created flowers to be beautiful and smell nice. God created people to love and do good work. The world isn't evil from the creation side.

Satan is evil. The serpent that tricked us in the Garden of Eden is the same serpent that is still tricking us. Why else would anyone buy a bigger house than they can really afford? Why would anyone by a car just impress other people? Why would so many people not share there food with so many people that don't have food? Where did the ugliness come from?

It came from the fall.


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