Creation, Fall, Redemption :::::: Creation

It all begins with creation.

That statement is loaded. God created. God created the cosmos. God created the Earth. God created everything in the Earth. God created man. God created life. He created life in the plants and the animals. He created humans who create as well. He created creative creatures. Life continues to create. Plants will always grow. Grass may lay dormant. Grass may die without water. That grass will come back.

Creation is the beginning of the story. The Kingdom of Heaven makes no sense without the creation.

In the first 2 chapters of Genesis. God creates the world in 7 days. God is there. God speaks words into reality. God creates the world in which we live. God creates a world of life. The garden the He creates is not perfect. Perfect implies a stopping of movement. Perfect is something that is attained. The Garden of Eden isn't as perfect as it is alive. God creates animals, cells, hills, oxygen, carbon, and stars. Man is made and is given a job to do. Man is to take care of the Garden.

We start with Creation because it establishes God as the creator of life. It establishes God as both father and mother.

If God isn't the beginning of the story, the whole story changes. If life started without God the whole meaning of life changes. If humans evolved from animals the whole story changes.

Our beginnings (Genesis) are just as important as the part of the story we are in now. In the same way that your life did not begin at 25, the story of God's redemption didn't start with Jesus' death and resurrection.

The story of redemption starts right after the fall. The fall could not take place if there was nothing to "fall" from. The beginning that God created is vital to the whole story. God created things to be good, to be ordered, and to be taken care of.

You must come to terms with what you believe on the origins of life. Do you really believe that there was God and then He created? What you believe about life comes from what you believe about the origins of life. Why are we here? Are we here just to keep the species going? Are we here to find as much happiness as we can? Are we here to make our mark on the world? Or...

Is it for a much bigger reason? Are we here because God created us? When we were born did we pick up the story half way through? Are we really creations of God? Have we really been redeemed by God? What are we redeemed from? Is there more to life than what we are told in school and on TV?

Did God create you? That's the first question to finding truth.


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