The "No Social Media Challenge" results
Last week we, Westside Christian Church, took a challenge to stay off of social media for 5 days. I was shocked at how many of us took the challenge. It was pretty challenging for me. Way harder than I thought it would be. I am an addict. Taking steps to change.
We looked at Jonah (sermon here) and then we took the challenge to take the week off and replace that with 3 questions on our phones:

•Does God have your attention?
•Do you take God seriously?
•Do you want to hear God?
These questions came from the life of Jonah. God got his attention by speaking to him, sending a storm, and giving him the "blessing" of the fish. He did not take God seriously at first. He did when he was in the fish. He repented and did what God asked.
This fits into our sermon series "Distractions: Paying attention to God in a LOUD world." The whole idea is to do these weekly challenges to see what holds our attention in this world. We don't have to give it all up, but we do need to see what holds us so that we can pay more attention to God. God is still speaking, guiding, and directing. Are we listening? Hard to listen when we are distracted.
What I received from our church family was AWESOME! Everyone that I talked with had a pretty similar experience.
1. I was happier and more creative. I felt freer.
2. I realized I didn't really need it.
3. I'm going to use it less.
Here's some of the responses that I received:
We looked at Jonah (sermon here) and then we took the challenge to take the week off and replace that with 3 questions on our phones:

•Does God have your attention?
•Do you take God seriously?
•Do you want to hear God?
These questions came from the life of Jonah. God got his attention by speaking to him, sending a storm, and giving him the "blessing" of the fish. He did not take God seriously at first. He did when he was in the fish. He repented and did what God asked.
This fits into our sermon series "Distractions: Paying attention to God in a LOUD world." The whole idea is to do these weekly challenges to see what holds our attention in this world. We don't have to give it all up, but we do need to see what holds us so that we can pay more attention to God. God is still speaking, guiding, and directing. Are we listening? Hard to listen when we are distracted.
What I received from our church family was AWESOME! Everyone that I talked with had a pretty similar experience.
1. I was happier and more creative. I felt freer.
2. I realized I didn't really need it.
3. I'm going to use it less.
Here's some of the responses that I received:
No social media: day 1:morning
Wake up: immediately grab my phone...turns it on "where is my Facebook icon!?!" Oh right I remember. *sigh* okay here we go!
After morning rituals, I sit down with my iPad and coffee...I stare at my black screen. "What am I supposed to do with this!?" *sigh* plays "smurf's village" I need to tweet for smurfberries...I wonder does that count. I tweet anyway. What can I say? I'm a rebel. I justify it because I never actually log on to twitter. Continue to play smurf's village and marvel in my sweet rebellion.
No social media day 1: afternoon:
Around lunchtime, I was at a loss. "How will people know what I ate today" "this sandwich is totes delish" spent a large chunk of time staring longingly at my social media folder on my iPad. Moved on to spending a little time in prayer...see? I think I'm getting it. Once I got home from work, I sat down while dinner was baking, pulled out my iPad...and put it right back. Guess I'll have to actually have a conversation with the spouse. Fear and anxiety hit as I realize today is his radio day. What am I going to do with myself while he's on air? Thankful amazon isn't banned
No social media day 2: morning and afternoon:
spent a good portion seeking a loophole in the Pinterest inclusion...finally settled that if I could find a loophole for Pinterest, I could find one for Facebook, it defeats the purpose of the whole excercise.....played smurfs village for a couple minutes, and prayed for strength.
No social media day 3:
last night: I found myself wanting to surf Facebook while finally winding down for the day. Came home to my husband working out...I'm not that bad yet. I know once I step into a gym, this philly is broken. Spent a little time in private mediation. I will admit day two was easier than day one.
Wednesday morning: I find that I still constantly think about social media. It amazes me how one can become so addicted. I justify it by saying it's my only connection to family up prove it to myself, no phone calls have been made either. Realizing how stupid this sounds...I play smurfs village and drink my is another day
No social media last day! I feel a great sense of accomplishment! Haven't cheated once! Now....if I could only diet with the same gusto. :/ don't let the confidence fool ya, 12:01 I'm logging on
I just want you to know, that because of the social media ban, I'm depriving the world of gems like this guy sitting at the bus stop by Hobby Lobby.
No social media? I feel like I'm part of some sort of cult. What's next ? shave our heads?
I missed it Mon and Tues as well... Got easier Wed, Thurs... And went on last night when I got off work. Guess what? I didn't miss much of anything!
I didn't really miss it cuz I got so much done without wasting time on Facebook and stuff. The only thing that kinda stinks is being an at home mom and taking online only classes, I did feel a little out of touch with the world. No big deal though... I'm used to that.
It was harder for me on Monday and Tuesday but not so much Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It was quite freeing. But then I woke up and logged back in to see what I missed. Lol.
I succeeded! It was difficult, but I made it through. I will say, I'm keeping the Facebook notifications off my phone. That way I don't feel the need to constantly be connected. And use Facebook on my free time, and not all day
Easier to focus on things that matter more. Definately gonna visit less.
I'm really glad I took the challenge. I've been looking forward to the challenge since July. I felt more focused and more creative this week. I'm going to change how often I connect to social media. I still like being connected to my friends through these amazing tools, but I need to spend more time connecting and less time bragging.