Checking my blog stats too much....and how our adoption continues to change me
I watch the stats of my blog pretty close. Here are some trends I have identified.
-I have found out that writing about our international adoption spikes the traffic to the blog.
-If it weren't for Facebook and my friends on Facebook, this blog wouldn't get very much traffic at all.
-Other than Facebook, people searching for "breastplate of righteousness" on google account for most of the other traffic that my blog gets.
So I have to assess why I write this blog, right? Do I write it in order to get people to think about me? Do I write it to become famous? Do I write the blog to see my traffic increase? Although that is tempting, that's not why I write the blog. I write this blog for the same main reason that I am a Pastor. I believe by the grace of God I have found the best way to be alive. Seriously, the best way to be alive. (Notice I didn't say easiest, happiest, most fun, richest, or any other word. I chose best on purpose).
I want to spread the worldview of Jesus. I believe all that Jesus said and did was for the sake of redeeming all of us people. I don't have that large of an audience, not compared to a lot of other people. But I can continue to do my best to fill the world that I am a part of with the message and worldview of Jesus. There are people that I am friends with on Facebook that would probably not attend an evangelical church or even be accepted into many churches. So it's my hope that my blog finds that person or people.
What makes this so interesting to me is that the stuff that people read on my blog is about my adoption not about my general teaching blogs. So I guess it's a lot like the old saying, "preach at all times, use words when necessary." The adoption process that Mindy and I are going through is a real-life experience that many people can relate to. It's the story of a love between people that have absolutely no reason to be together. Why would a white middle class evangelical woman be connected to a baby in an east African village? For no reason other than love. Why would my three biological children pray every single night and at every mealtime for a boy who lives on the other side of our world? For no reason other than love. Why would I think about him almost all day long? For no other reason than love.
Why did God send His Son into the world to die for your sins so that you can experience eternal life? No reason other than love.
If you are turned off to the Church in America because of the way people dress, the political views they have, the way they differ from you, or the hypocrisy that is everywhere, than join me in recognizing that Jesus' sacrifice was for no other reason than love. Let's come together on that point.
The Church may not be all that you want it to be. You know what - it isn't for me either. Christians and others claiming to be Christians my not be all you want them to be.
But maybe you read this blog because you like the love story unfolding in our family. Praise God. We are not adopting this boy so that you can see the love of God. We are adopting Him because we love God and we are following His leading in our lives. This is where He led and this is where we are. If you see God's love through this, than praise God. Questions? my email is
-I have found out that writing about our international adoption spikes the traffic to the blog.
-If it weren't for Facebook and my friends on Facebook, this blog wouldn't get very much traffic at all.
-Other than Facebook, people searching for "breastplate of righteousness" on google account for most of the other traffic that my blog gets.
So I have to assess why I write this blog, right? Do I write it in order to get people to think about me? Do I write it to become famous? Do I write the blog to see my traffic increase? Although that is tempting, that's not why I write the blog. I write this blog for the same main reason that I am a Pastor. I believe by the grace of God I have found the best way to be alive. Seriously, the best way to be alive. (Notice I didn't say easiest, happiest, most fun, richest, or any other word. I chose best on purpose).
I want to spread the worldview of Jesus. I believe all that Jesus said and did was for the sake of redeeming all of us people. I don't have that large of an audience, not compared to a lot of other people. But I can continue to do my best to fill the world that I am a part of with the message and worldview of Jesus. There are people that I am friends with on Facebook that would probably not attend an evangelical church or even be accepted into many churches. So it's my hope that my blog finds that person or people.

Why did God send His Son into the world to die for your sins so that you can experience eternal life? No reason other than love.
If you are turned off to the Church in America because of the way people dress, the political views they have, the way they differ from you, or the hypocrisy that is everywhere, than join me in recognizing that Jesus' sacrifice was for no other reason than love. Let's come together on that point.
The Church may not be all that you want it to be. You know what - it isn't for me either. Christians and others claiming to be Christians my not be all you want them to be.
But maybe you read this blog because you like the love story unfolding in our family. Praise God. We are not adopting this boy so that you can see the love of God. We are adopting Him because we love God and we are following His leading in our lives. This is where He led and this is where we are. If you see God's love through this, than praise God. Questions? my email is