A Unique Wedding

This past Friday I had the honor of performing a wedding for our next-door neighbors.  They asked me on the previous Friday if I could come talk to them.  Then they preceded to ask me if I would officiate their wedding.  I asked them how they met, why they wanted to get married, and when they were hoping to do the ceremony.  The story was very atypical and wonderful.

My neighbors knew each other a long time ago and their lives went on different paths.  A few years ago he was working in another state and making decent money.  He was part owner of a small construction company and he was building houses when the economy was doing very well.  He said that his life was very lonely and he hated going home to his empty house.

Her story was one of heartbreak and dreams unfulfilled.  She is a very giving woman and takes care of her children.  She needed to get away for a while and her friend suggested that they go out and see him.  They went out there and he says that his life all of the sudden seemed to matter again.  He said that the first day she was there that the sun started shining in his world.  He said instantly he wasn't lonely.


He left his house and his good job to move across four states to be with her.  He told her that he was only happy when he was around her and that all the money in the world wasn't worth it.  He traded everything he had to be with her.

Their is a story in the Bible about a man who buys pearls.  He is out looking one day and we pick the story up in Matthew 13:46, "When he found of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it."

The Bible story is not about finding true love.  But the story of the man leaving everything that he had to marry my neighbor is a story that mirrors what is taking place in the Bible here.  He is willing to sell all the emptiness of his life and to leave everything that seems to be a good thing to cash in on the great thing.  He would rather be with her than have a great job.

That makes me think about risk.  What am I holding on to that is good, but isn't great?  What am I pursuing in my life that is good that is holding me back from pursing the best?

They got married last Friday.  She has trouble believing that he loves her that much.  He does.  He has proved it.  He is here.  They are married and they love each other.

What a great story huh?


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