Consumerism drives entertainment

TV programs don't exist without commercials.  Commercials don't exist without people wanting to sell things.  Most commercials are for nonessential items (consumerism).  People don't sell things if people aren't interested in buying things.

Our culture is driven by television.  Friends, Seinfeld, and all the other 30 minute programs become peoples perception of reality.  Of course there is "reality" programming like The Real World, Road Rules, The Bachelor, Keeping up with the Kardashians, and tons more.  The more we watch TV and don't interact with people in real life, the more we believe that life is what a producer shows us on TV.  In turn entertainment is creating culture.  Consumerism is driving the entertainment through the sale of ads.  With no ads, there is no television, unless it is subscription based.

It's an interesting cycle.  I wonder who came up with the idea of selling ad time to fund producing the show.  Did it start in radio or some other form of media?

I like thinking through this stuff.  Consumerism is so far reaching that it's hard to even recognize it most of the time.  It's such a part of life in America that it is hard to battle against.  You can't win a battle if you don't see the enemy.

How else does consumerism shape us?


Anonymous said…
Why must it be a battle ? Turn it off if you don't like it.I would not say all consumerism is the enemy.If we don't like it(alot not to like)turn it off don't buy or support... think about supporting only healthy choices .
Unknown said…
I can turn it off. But what about our friends that don't see the trap of consumerism? I think it is our job to help people understand that life in the Kingdom of Heaven and life as it was designed to be is free from the trap of consumerism. There is an end that consumerism brings and that end is not the same end that living free in Christ is.

I am, by no means, claiming to be free from consumerism or advertising or entertainment. I am not saying that we should all live in the mountains and make our own clothes and food either. We simply must be informed of what God teaches us and learn to live in that way to truly be free. The trap of consumerism is against that freedom. It is a trap that Satan has laid out for us.

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