The Kingdom of Heaven in some popular music
I love the song "chicken fried" by the Zac Brown Band. It's fun and simple with a poignant message. Here's the best part.
And its funny how it`s the simple things in life that mean the most
Not where you live or what you drive or the price tag on your clothes
There`s no dollar sign on a piece of mind this I`ve come to know
Here is another glimpse of the Kingdom of Heaven in real life. Jesus didn't come to get all the money and distribute it to his followers. Jesus didn't come to get all the power. Jesus didn't come to be world famous. Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth and to rescue us from the teaching of the world.
Life is not about what we get. Life is not about always moving forward to a better life. Life is not about retiring with a bunch of money. Life is about living. (Too simple right?)
A person is not alive until he or she has realized that there is a God who has made everything. There is free will. We can choose what we wish, but then we live with those decisions. There is a God who came back down to earth so that he could teach us again about what life is really about. Are you listening or ignoring? Are you too busy to actually live your life?
What's really of importance? The people that can answer that question correctly are experiencing the peace that only comes from God as we live in harmony with him (the Kingdom of Heaven is there).

Not where you live or what you drive or the price tag on your clothes
There`s no dollar sign on a piece of mind this I`ve come to know
Here is another glimpse of the Kingdom of Heaven in real life. Jesus didn't come to get all the money and distribute it to his followers. Jesus didn't come to get all the power. Jesus didn't come to be world famous. Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth and to rescue us from the teaching of the world.
Life is not about what we get. Life is not about always moving forward to a better life. Life is not about retiring with a bunch of money. Life is about living. (Too simple right?)
A person is not alive until he or she has realized that there is a God who has made everything. There is free will. We can choose what we wish, but then we live with those decisions. There is a God who came back down to earth so that he could teach us again about what life is really about. Are you listening or ignoring? Are you too busy to actually live your life?
What's really of importance? The people that can answer that question correctly are experiencing the peace that only comes from God as we live in harmony with him (the Kingdom of Heaven is there).