Jesus did exactly what Satan wanted to do

Jesus did exactly what Satan wanted to do.

What did Satan want?  He wanted to be counted as the best and brightest and be exactly like God.  In Isaiah 14 it's found that Satan wanted to become like God and have people worship him.  He wanted all the power and all the glory.

(Who do you want to have control?  The person who is burdened with love of people and therefore wants the best for them?  Or do you want the person who wants power and wealth and glory to rule over the people?)

So in Philippians chapter 2 we read that Jesus came in all humility and humbled himself, even to death on the cross.  Jesus did the opposite of what Satan did and then he received exactly what Satan was searching for - "at the name of Jesus every knee should bow on heaven, earth, and under the earth."  All glory is Christ's glory.  It is because he humbled himself, which is the opposite of what Satan did.

So let us set this in place with the idea that Jesus throws out in Matthew 7 of a wide path that leads to destruction and a narrow path that leads to life.  The wide path leads to death which is where Satan is.  Satan wanted everything and ended up with nothing.  What do you want?  The narrow path leads to life and that's where Jesus is.  Jesus humbled himself in obedience to the point of losing everything.  He was then given everything (all authority).

Wide or narrow?  Remember the narrow path has a gate that you must enter.

Jesus also taught that if we find our lives we will lose them, but if we lose our lives for His sake we will find life.  That is exactly what Jesus did!  That is exactly what He tells us to do.  Today - do you find your life?  Are you trying to make your mark on this world?  Are you trying to prove your worth to people?  Jesus teaches us that we accomplish greatness with humility.  Do we help?  Do we consider others better than ourselves?  Do we really believe that we are no better than anyone else?  Life begins there - right there in that realization.  We are all the same.  We all need the life that only comes in Jesus Christ.


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