From Cowden, IL to Jinja, Uganda: Silas' coming home trip!

We picked up Silas from the Orphanage in Jinja for the last time today. Our trip has gone very well so far. We left Cowden at 8:30am Thursday morning and arrived in Entebbe, Uganda at 10:00pm local time on Friday (that’s 2:00pm in Cowden). So we travelled for a total of 29.5 hours spending 15 of those in the air (7hrs and 8hrs). Needless to say we are not ready for the loooong trip home yet. The entire time we were travelling I kept wishing that we had brought Grace, Will, and Eden. We have seen so many things that they would have just loved. We arrived in Uganda Friday night and Mindy’s friends Wayne and Tarah picked us up from the airport. It was nice to be back in Uganda but we couldn’t really see anything because of how dark it was. Uganda isn't lit well :). We got back to their compound and basically went straight to bed. Their home is lovely and our room is very nice. We woke up this morning and went to get Silas....