
I don't know if God is trying to teach me something here but "repentance" has been a dominate theme in most of my study over the last month.

On Sunday nights we have been looking at the book of Isaiah.  The theme there is: things are bad and they will get worse until you repent.  When you repent things will get better.  So why not just repent now?  That  is theme for each of the nations that are being judged.  If you would just repent you would not have the terrible time that is coming to you.  You are too proud to repent so you will be smashed.  If you would have repented you would have no problems, dummy (I added the last word for emphasis.)

On Sunday mornings we are in the very beginning of the book of Acts.  Peter has two sermons to start it off.  He preaches one right after the Pentecost.  He preaches the second right after a healing is performed.  In both cases people look to Peter and ask him, "What must we do to be saved?"  What is Peter's first word?  You guessed it.  Repent.

In a sermon, in July, about David the whole idea was that David could have stopped his huge sin with Bathsheba at some point and it would not have been as bad.  He could have stopped the bleeding but he continued to cover up his sin by sinning even more.  The consequences and the sins kept getting worse.  David needed to stop and turn the other direction which of course is what repentance is.

In another sermon this time in August, I was preaching about the woman at the well.  Jesus had finally helped her to understand that the "living water" that he offered was much more about life than actual water.  She wanted this new life and what did Jesus do?  He brought up her sin.  She needed to confront her sin before she could get this new life.  Repent.

Repent, repent, repent.  It's everywhere.

I am starting to believe that repentance is the opposite of pride.  Pride says that I can do it on my own.  Repentance says that I have made a mistake and I did not do things right on my own.  Pride says that I am no worse than anyone else.  Repentance does not compare to anyone else.  Pride comes before a fall. Repentance is the rope that we grab so as so stop falling altogether.

Repentance is the first step toward forgiveness.  Repenting of our pride helps us to love and forgive others.

Repentance.  If we are headed down the wrong path it is a better idea to stop and walk back the direction we came from.  Why would we continue down the wrong path hoping that it will get better?  Will we walk the wrong direction on purpose so that people don't think we are stupid?  (They will find out sooner or later).

Repentance can stop a whole lot of pain and problems.  It's best not to make mistakes, but if you make one - you might as well repent as soon as possible.


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