Father wants Biology Book Ban
This story caught my eye this morning. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2010/apr/04/father-wants-biology-book-ban/ This dad is going to be viewed as a bigot and narrowminded person. I think he is doing the right thing. He didn't rally everyone together to hate the school and call the school a "den of snakes" or anything like that. He didn't burn all the biology books or refuse to let his son attend class. He simply disagreed with a text book and brought it to the school board. Isn't that how it is supposed to work? I commend him (based on what I know from the story.) I wish more Christians would express their beliefs without having to overreact and hurt the cause. From the little excerpt that I saw I can see his dissatisfaction with the book.

This is from the quote:
On page 319 of the text, the authors describe creationism as “the biblical myth that the universe was created by the Judeo-Christian God in 7 days.”
There is definitely some bias there. :) By the way, the book is called, "Asking about life!"

This is from the quote:
On page 319 of the text, the authors describe creationism as “the biblical myth that the universe was created by the Judeo-Christian God in 7 days.”
There is definitely some bias there. :) By the way, the book is called, "Asking about life!"