Authentic Manhood
How do you answer the following questions?
1. You become a man when ______________________.
2. What makes you a man is ______________________.
There are a million different answers for those questions. Last week I did a Message about Joseph (the earthly father of Jesus). I said that he was an authentic man. Here are my quick points:
1. Joseph was righteous
2. Joseph loved his wife
3. Joseph was a man of action.
Robert Lewis, in his book Raising a Modern Day Knight, states that there are 4 characteristics of biblical manhood. He states that a man:
Rejects Passivity
Accepts Responsibility
Leads Courageously
Expects the Greater Reward.
I started praying for these four characteristics about 5 years ago. I pray them (among other things) each morning. In the next few weeks I will share with you what Lewis is talking about and how this has shaped me as well.