Authentic Manhood - Lead Courageously

This is part 3 in a 4 part series on a look at authentic manhood from Robert Lewis' book: Raising a Modern Day Knight.

The third pillar of Biblical manhood is to Lead Courageously.  I'd like to point out first of all that it doesn't say "lead confidently."  There is a large difference between confidence and courage.  Courage is the ability to face your fears and not be paralyzed by them.  Courage is not the absence of fear.  It simply not being controlled by your fears.

I lead with a lot of faith.  I place a lot of faith in people and a lot of faith in my own abilities.  I generally believe that everything will work out as long as we do our best.  I am not a visionary leader that sees things before they happen.  I hold fast to the maxim that "if we just do the right things over time we will succeed."  People around me generally have one of two reactions.

Some people see that as a source of strength.  I worked with a lady in Omaha who would always just laugh at me when I would say, "I'm sure we can figure this out."  She believed me and together we were able to do some great things.  She had several gifts that I did not and I believe I had the courage and the encouragement that she needed.

Some people see my leadership style as that of a person who has his head in the clouds.  I don't spend a lot of time doing risk assessment or weighing all the possibilities.  When faced with a decision I generally think through a few things and come to a resolution rather quickly.  Some see that as lacking foresight.  I see it as someone who seizes the moment and sets up action.

There are different types of leadership styles.  Different circumstances need different perspectives in order to make good decisions and lead well.  That's why no one person should ever have complete control over anything.

Men need to live out of faith in God and the ability that God has given them.  Men do not need to live in fear.  Fear causes us to do all sorts of terrible things.

Lead courageously.  God created you to do so.


Anonymous said…
Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.

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