Can't get this out of my head

There is a way that seems right to a man,
but in the end it leads to death.

Proverbs 14:12

I am working through some stuff on what Jesus said about himself as he tried to explain who he was. He's the bread of life and the living water and when we eat and drink of that we will never be hungry or thirsty again. He's talking about the Kingdom of Heaven coming to earth in him. The way to enter that Kingdom is to have faith in Jesus. Faith that he truly is the Son of God and has the power and authority to save us from our sins.

So after we drink that water and eat that bread (place our faith in Jesus) what are we supposed to do?

...that's a leading question. That assumes that there is a destination that you need to reach. That assumes that you only eat once and drink once and never have to do either again. It's another CONSUMER type of question.

When we eat of the bread and drink of the water (place faith in Jesus) we are living. I think that is some of what this verse means. There is a way that seems right to man but in the end it leads to death. Jesus and his teachings on the Kingdom and life (in the New Testament) are life. They don't lead to life, they are life. (Read that again). Jesus is life. The way of man is death.

What's the action item here? Quit trying to come up with action items. Place your faith and your life with Jesus in his Kingdom. Then read his teachings on the kingdom. I can't answer that question for you.


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