What I wish your dad had said to you
I'm sorry that your dad didn't stick around. I'm sorry if you never got to know him. I'm sorry if your dad physically stuck around but emotionally left. I certainly don't know your circumstance or where you came from. Even if I did know those things I don't think a person can ever truly understand what is going on in someone else's head.
I wish there was more that I could do. I mean that. Almost every single time that I get to do a good "dad" thing I think about it. I think about you and what you didn't have. I thought about it when I took my oldest daughter to pick out some clothes at goodwill. She complained that she wanted some new clothes from a popular store. I kept putting her off. I put her off for at least an hour and 2 or 3 goodwills. She kept persisting. I finally just told her, "Honey, I'm sorry but we can't really afford to get you new clothes at that store. Mommy and I have 4 kids and we have to buy several pairs of shoes this month. The sport that you just started required an investment from us. We need new tires and the AC went out just a month ago. If we only had two kids you'd have better clothes. It's embarrassing for dad to admit that. I'm sorry honey. I really would love to buy you better clothes, but just can't responsibly make that decision." In all of her 12 year old wisdom she replied, "Oh dad. I'm sorry I was complaining. Why didn't you just tell me that? I understand." Yes, I thought of that. I thought about you. I wish your dad had the courage to tell you that. I wish he had been there to teach you that lesson. I wish he had helped you navigate life.
I think about you when I'm sitting in my chair watching some dumb show on Disney with one of my younger kids. I think about it when I am encouraging a child who is having a hard time. I think about it when I'm celebrating with ice cream because of an accomplishment that has happened amongst our kids. I think about you. I wish your dad would have said these things to you.
He didn't. I'm sorry. So here's what I wish your dad would have said to you.
1) You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You, your mom, and your siblings are my entire life. I work so hard because I want to provide you with everything that you deserve. Yes, you deserve those nice clothes. You deserve that new video game system. You deserve the family vacation. I don't care about having a ton of money, but I want to be able to spend a ton of money on you. Being called "dad" is the greatest title I could ever wish to attain and you gave that to me.
2) Dear daughter - you are beautiful. If people tell you otherwise, well then they are just really stupid. No man knows you as well as I do. I have known you since you were in your mommy's tummy. You were even cute back then. You are perfect. There is not one thing in your appearance that I would change. Even if you like to wear those weird shoes that I don't understand. If some boy doesn't like everything about you, than he doesn't deserve your time. I like everything about your mom. It's possible.
3) Son - you've got it. You are the whole package. You have everything it takes to change this world. Take courage and don't let fear into your heart. I believe in you. I've seen you comfort a sick animal. I've seen you cry when an injustice is committed in a television show. I've seen your rage when someone is oppressed or bullied. You have honor within you. When people tell you that you aren't good enough, well, they're pretty stupid too. Don't think that the highest calling of life is to have sex. It's not. A real man rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, and expects the greater reward. You have all the making of being a better man than me.
4) I get joy just from thinking about you. The way you used to say "puffy" because your little lips couldn't form the word "puppy." The picture that I keep in my memory of what you looked like running through the sprinkler. I don't get joy where you think I get it. Sure I care about your grades and accomplishments, but I love you because you are you. I couldn't have made you any better. That's why I complain when you start to dress like or imitate some celebrity or popular friend. I don't care about them a fraction of how much I care about you. Be you. I love you.
5) You make me cry almost every day. I know that I complain about how loud you are and what a mess you make in my vehicle, but I don't really care about that stuff. For some reason, you are more important to me than I am to me. There's pretty much nothing that can make me cry anymore. Well, unless it has to do with you. I can think about you and have tears rolling down my face before I even understand why.
You are good. You are worth fighting for. You are always on my mind. You have the keys to my heart.
I wish there was more that I could do. I mean that. Almost every single time that I get to do a good "dad" thing I think about it. I think about you and what you didn't have. I thought about it when I took my oldest daughter to pick out some clothes at goodwill. She complained that she wanted some new clothes from a popular store. I kept putting her off. I put her off for at least an hour and 2 or 3 goodwills. She kept persisting. I finally just told her, "Honey, I'm sorry but we can't really afford to get you new clothes at that store. Mommy and I have 4 kids and we have to buy several pairs of shoes this month. The sport that you just started required an investment from us. We need new tires and the AC went out just a month ago. If we only had two kids you'd have better clothes. It's embarrassing for dad to admit that. I'm sorry honey. I really would love to buy you better clothes, but just can't responsibly make that decision." In all of her 12 year old wisdom she replied, "Oh dad. I'm sorry I was complaining. Why didn't you just tell me that? I understand." Yes, I thought of that. I thought about you. I wish your dad had the courage to tell you that. I wish he had been there to teach you that lesson. I wish he had helped you navigate life.
He didn't. I'm sorry. So here's what I wish your dad would have said to you.
1) You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You, your mom, and your siblings are my entire life. I work so hard because I want to provide you with everything that you deserve. Yes, you deserve those nice clothes. You deserve that new video game system. You deserve the family vacation. I don't care about having a ton of money, but I want to be able to spend a ton of money on you. Being called "dad" is the greatest title I could ever wish to attain and you gave that to me.
2) Dear daughter - you are beautiful. If people tell you otherwise, well then they are just really stupid. No man knows you as well as I do. I have known you since you were in your mommy's tummy. You were even cute back then. You are perfect. There is not one thing in your appearance that I would change. Even if you like to wear those weird shoes that I don't understand. If some boy doesn't like everything about you, than he doesn't deserve your time. I like everything about your mom. It's possible.
3) Son - you've got it. You are the whole package. You have everything it takes to change this world. Take courage and don't let fear into your heart. I believe in you. I've seen you comfort a sick animal. I've seen you cry when an injustice is committed in a television show. I've seen your rage when someone is oppressed or bullied. You have honor within you. When people tell you that you aren't good enough, well, they're pretty stupid too. Don't think that the highest calling of life is to have sex. It's not. A real man rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, and expects the greater reward. You have all the making of being a better man than me.
4) I get joy just from thinking about you. The way you used to say "puffy" because your little lips couldn't form the word "puppy." The picture that I keep in my memory of what you looked like running through the sprinkler. I don't get joy where you think I get it. Sure I care about your grades and accomplishments, but I love you because you are you. I couldn't have made you any better. That's why I complain when you start to dress like or imitate some celebrity or popular friend. I don't care about them a fraction of how much I care about you. Be you. I love you.
5) You make me cry almost every day. I know that I complain about how loud you are and what a mess you make in my vehicle, but I don't really care about that stuff. For some reason, you are more important to me than I am to me. There's pretty much nothing that can make me cry anymore. Well, unless it has to do with you. I can think about you and have tears rolling down my face before I even understand why.
You are good. You are worth fighting for. You are always on my mind. You have the keys to my heart.