King of Kings
Someone’s in charge. It’s not you. You already know that though, don’t you? It’s not the universe. It’s not public opinion, or the media, or some super-secret group of powerful people. It’s God. The immortal, invisible, and all-powerful Creator of all. He’s the king.
This king is not a long ways away. He is present here and now. He loves you. Why? Well, that’s what He does. His document for us, the Bible, bleeds with an embarrassment of just how much He loves you. The Bible isn’t your source? No worries. He created everything around you. The love and encouragement that you receive from your friends and/or family? His idea. The beauty in the waves, the mountains, and the setting sun? All His work. He didn’t just create it. He makes is happen every time. Every molecule in this world is guided by the direct work of His hands. The joy you get from pouring your life into a cause? Yep, He made that just for you.
God is the King and He’s in charge. You aren’t.

It’s not about religion. It’s about a relationship. A relationship with the King. New sermon series 11/15 - 12/6. Join us at Westside.