Reaction to preaching the entire story of the Bible in 15 minutes

First off, let me tell you that two weeks ago a wonderful older woman from the 9:00 traditional service said (and I quote), "With that beard you look like Tim Tebow." I'll take it. I'm assuming she is very close to completely blind.
After preaching this sermon at the first service I thought it was terrible. I was already sick of it. By the time I preached it live in front of people I had already practiced it several times. So, I was pleased that no one threw anything at me. Quite the opposite really. I had more positive reactions to this sermon that I think I ever have. Here's some of my favorite comments.
"Can I get a tape of this sermon?" (What's a tape?)
"Can I get your transcript?"
"I've never heard the entire story." (Uh, how long have you been listening to sermons?)
"People sit in these pews for decades and never grasp the flow of what's in the Bible."
etc, etc, etc...
As of right now it was over 40 views on youtube. That's up about 40 from the previous week. :) It's been shared multiple times on Facebook. It's fun.
Yes, it was gimmicky. I understand that. Honestly though, I preached it because I haven't met many Christians who can tell you the story of the Bible. They see it as a mishmash of different little stories about God or people or commandments or prophets or verses or something.
The Bible really is just one story.
I'm pleased with the final work of this sermon.
Thank you Westside Christian Church for letting me work here. Ridiculous.
Tim Boyd, Lead Pastor
Westside Christian Church - Bradenton, FL