every. single. year. thanks mom & dad

I was fortunate enough to grow up with parent’s that sent me to a Bible camp for one week every summer.  I say fortunate, because those weeks of camp changed my life.

It was at a camp that I learned about the awesomeness and immense size of God and His creation.

It was at camp that I spent time with high school and college aged Christians.  They taught me that you can actually be a christian, and fun, when you are that age.

It was at camp that I gave my heart to Jesus.

Storm Mountain, SD - Camp I grew up in
It was at camp that I learned what it meant to live life to the full.  Those camps sparked creativity, a sense of purpose, and a curiosity to find out what greater things lie out there waiting for me.

My time at summer camps are some of the best memories I have from my childhood.  

I’m so glad that my parents made me go when I was scared.  I’m glad that they made summer Bible camp a priority.  I know that kids are super busy now.  They have to be in certain sports, cheer, and music camps in order to make certain teams.  However, your child probably isn’t going to be a professional cheerleader.  Even if she is she won’t be one for eternity.  Summer Bible camp gets your kids in line with the Eternal God and His great love.  Summer Bible camp makes the world seem bigger, make life seem bigger, and make eternity seem even bigger!

I will be a dad that forces his kids to go to a Bible camp for one week every summer.  I also force my kids to go to school, eat vegetables, see a doctor when they are sick, and treat their siblings with love and respect.

Don’t let your kids miss out on the incredible opportunity!  As a parent now I know that I am constantly trying to build great memories for my kids.  Leave the summer Bible camp legacy to yours.  They will be changed by it.

For my Westside Christian Church family - we have a few possibilities for you to look at:

9th-12th graders - click here for info on the CIY Conference they will attend.

For all other ages - click here to learn more about our local camp Lake Aurora Christian Camp.


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