Buying your kids Christmas presents

I'm having a tough time with buying presents this year for my kids. I want to get them all things that they want for several reasons. 1. They are really good kids. They can throw their little fits, but ultimately they are just good people. 2. They aren't really asking for anything. They are happy with what they got. They're content. 3. They are really cute. That's a dangerous combo for a dad. I want to get them all some really nice stuff but I don't want to spoil them and ruin the great people that they already are. I wonder if this is the first Christmas, as a dad, that I have enough money to buy them good stuff without going into consumer debt. Maybe I'm having a struggle that you can only have when you hit your mid 30's. My 5th grade son wants a new video game system. He's not asking for it though. He would like to have it but he realizes it's pretty expensive. (He's more mature than I am!) That m...