Had lunch with an older gentleman from our church this past week. We talked about the two very different worship styles that we have at our two services. He attends, and loves, our traditional service. I confirmed that. Then I told him that attendance at our contemporary service had doubled this past year. His response was awesome, "That's great to hear! I'm so happy that our church is reaching new people. I'm also glad I don't have to go to that service." I love that attitude. The church isn't about "me" and it's not about "them." It's about "us." Tim Boyd Lead Pastor - Westside Christian Church - Bradenton, FL
Showing posts from October, 2014
How to reach the next generation: Stop trying to reach the next generation.
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How to reach the next generation. Don’t try to reach the next generation. Maybe there are too many articles on reaching the next generation. It’s not new to our current flavor of the month “millennials.” Although everywhere I look there’s another article on it. Here’s the problem. Guys like me read every single one of those articles and we desperately want to reach them. All of my friends in the ministry share the same #1 priority = reaching lost people with the good news of Jesus Christ. I don’t write that lightly either. It is what drives us. It is why we sacrifice our own money, free time, and relationships. We open our homes, use our gas, and cook far too many cupcakes, casseroles, and BBQ. It has very little to do with feeding our own egos (not any more - we’re in our 30’s). We’ve been playing the game by the wrong rules. In order to accomplish this goal we have sacrificed too much. Stay with me. ...
Next Teaching Series - "Generous"
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So I knew that I needed to preach a series on money at some point. I've been at Westside Christian Church for just over a year now. So, it's totally time right? I know it's needed. One of the biggest struggles that we (all people) share is a struggle with money. We work for it. We need it to take care of ourselves and those we love. We need it to exist in our society. Way more reasons, you get the point. I know it's important because their are tons of teachings found in lots of different books within the Bible that have to do with people and money. If I avoid teaching about money than I am avoiding teaching a major theme from the Bible. But I didn't want to do it. I didn't want people to think "all the church cares about is money." And other things like that. So I prayed about and biblegateway 'd all the scriptures that have anything to do with money. The theme that I was surprised to pick up was that Go...
What if I disagree with parts of the Bible?
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When I read the Bible and disagree with something, I am the one that has to change. I can’t say that I live by the Bible if I choose only pieces of the Bible to live by. That would make me a hypocrite. I don’t want to be one of those. Sure I stop at McDonald’s for breakfast after my morning workout occasionally, but you know what I mean. I can’t skip parts of the Bible because I think they are outdated, misapplied by others, foolish, or wrong. I have to adjust my thinking, morality, and personal ethics and values around whatever is written in that book. That’s how I live my Christian faith. It’s not easy. There are several scriptures in the Bible that I, honestly, wish were not there. I don’t understand them and some seem downright mean. However, who am I to go against a belief system that I have chosen to accept in faith? I must live by it. I was recently reading “ The Hole in Our Gospel ” by Rich Stearns ....
The Wager - God, Satan, and Job
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Sunday we were able to take an overview look at the story of Job. The sermon can be found here. I love the story of Job. I really mean that. Not in the "I love everything in the Bible always!" type of way. But in the "I can relate to Job because I'm pretty sure that I have suffered unjustly and had many questions for God" type of way. I respect Job. I respect him because he...just....takes....it. Not in a weak way, but in a way that you can only understand if you have a deep faith in the goodness of God and a strong trust in God. I respect God. I respect God in this story. Through all the valid questions that Job and his friends have about suffering and God's involvement, God doesn't pander to Job. God doesn't answer the questions directly. God doesn't explain to Job what happened in the Heavenly scenes between Him and Satan. God doesn't "weep when Job weeps." ( Sorry Rob Bell. Fastforwa...
The "No Social Media Challenge" results
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Last week we, Westside Christian Church , took a challenge to stay off of social media for 5 days. I was shocked at how many of us took the challenge. It was pretty challenging for me. Way harder than I thought it would be. I am an addict. Taking steps to change. We looked at Jonah ( sermon here ) and then we took the challenge to take the week off and replace that with 3 questions on our phones: •Does God have your attention? •Do you take God seriously? •Do you want to hear God? These questions came from the life of Jonah. God got his attention by speaking to him, sending a storm, and giving him the "blessing" of the fish. He did not take God seriously at first. He did when he was in the fish. He repented and did what God asked. This fits into our sermon series " Distractions: Paying attention to God in a LOUD world. " The whole idea is to do these weekly challenges to see what holds our attention in this world...