
Showing posts from 2014

My favorite reads of 2014

I've got a good friend who does something pretty cool at the beginning of every year.  I'm not sure how long he's been doing it.  Each year he starts a Facebook message with lots of other Pastors and we share the top few books that we read during the previous year.  Each year I buy and read at least a couple of the books that I find on that list.  It also really encourages me to keep reading. (If this resonates with you - please put your books in the comment section of this post.  I'd love to see what you've been reading.) Here are my top 3 reads of 2014 1. Prayer: Conversing with God by Rosalind Rinker This, incredibly short book, is the definitive work on prayer.  The author could not be any more practical or easy to read.  With each new book that I read I always have a highlighter tucked behind my ear.  I started using it on this book and then quickly realized that I'd have to highlight the whole thing.  She wastes no words and develops her

Why "go to church?"

Church is the blessed mix of messed up people who have come together for a season under the guidance of the Father who wishes them life and love.  Church is a blessing from God that is on par with marriage and family.  It's taking care of people we have come to love.  It's being cared for by people who have come to love us.  It's pooling our resources to reach out to the lonely, lost, searching, and those who don't even know there is a place called "church" where they are needed and wanted. Church is the closest thing to Heaven that we have in this world.  Yes, the Bible does teach that. It's not about happiness.  It's not about purpose.  It's not about belonging.  It's not about serving.  It's not about mission.  It's not about blah, blah, blah... It's God's gift to us.  It's people who have come together and are doing their best to let down their guard, tear off their masks, and lower their defenses.  It's people

The Whole Enchilada transcript (The Bible in 15 minutes)

Title: The Whole Enchilada Text: The Bible :) Theme: The overview story of the Bible Series: Stand Alone Style: Date: 11/30/2014 Sermon Opener There are 66 books that comprise the Bible. It’s broken up into two sections called “testaments.” The Old Testament is 39 books broken up into 3 categories. Historical books Poetical books Prophetical books The New Testament is 27 books broken up into 3 categories. Historical books Letters written by Paul(written to churches & people) Letter written by others a Creation (Genesis 1) The bible starts of in the book of Genesis (which means origin). Read Genesis 2:4-9 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.  Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and wate

My friend Tripp

I got a call from the school where 2 of my kids go and my wife works informing me that there was a lockdown.  So, knowing the quickest way to get info, went to twitter to see what was happening.  A lady who works with the paper in town tweeted out the address to the shooting.  I immediately google mapped it and found out it was the church where my friend Tripp is the Pastor.  I texted him and got nothing back.  That is very unlike him. So I waited and scoured the net. Nothing. So I called and it went to voicemail. Nothing. Then my mentor (who is also Tripp's mentor) called me.  As soon as I picked up my phone and saw his name I knew what he was going to say.  He was crying and I was in shock. This was Thursday.  Wednesday we went to Chipotle for lunch.  Wednesday Tripp and I discussed our churches.  He loved his and I love mine.  We were both so happy to be here in the middle of Bradenton working at little churches with HUGE hearts.  His church, which is smaller than mi

Reaction to preaching the entire story of the Bible in 15 minutes

That was fun!  I love to preach.  It's my favorite thing to do.  Honestly, I'm shocked that I can consider this my full-time job and I'm even more shocked that people return week after week to listen to my awful jokes and nasal voice.  Yes, it sounds like I always have a cold. First off, let me tell you that two weeks ago a wonderful older woman from the 9:00 traditional service said (and I quote), "With that beard you look like Tim Tebow."  I'll take it.  I'm assuming she is very close to completely blind. After preaching this sermon at the first service I thought it was terrible.  I was already sick of it.  By the time I preached it live in front of people I had already practiced it several times.  So, I was pleased that no one threw anything at me.  Quite the opposite really.  I had more positive reactions to this sermon that I think I ever have.  Here's some of my favorite comments. "Can I get a tape of this sermon?"  (What's a

The Whole Enchilada


Don't call it a list - Fred Craddock

This is just a 20-25 minute sermon from Fred Craddock on a list of names found in Romans 16:3-16. If I live to preach another 50 years I will never preach a sermon this good. Here are his books

Everything you've ever wanted to know about churches and money but were afraid to ask

This is (pretty much) the transcript for the sermon "Everything you've ever wanted to know about churches and money but were afraid to ask."  For the full audio click here . What’s a tithe? How much am I supposed to give?  to church?  to God? Who am I supposed to give to? How do I really “give to God?” If I give to Westside how is that giving to God? If you’ve ever said it yourself or are sick of hearing someone else say it, here is the sermon for you.  This is the “all the church talks about is money” sermon.  Well, not really.  What I’m attempting to do here is to talk frankly about what the Bible teaches about giving, money, tithes, and offerings.  So, to get us started let’s go to the last Old Testament book and check out a verse that mentions the big word - tithe. Tithes, Offerings, and Money in God’s church - Malachi 3:6-12 6 “I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. 7 Ever since the time of your ancestors

Give and it will come back to you

I’ve always hated lawnmowers.  I don’t hate mowing.  I hate having to own a lawnmower.  They are always breaking and you have to service them and they bite.  I have a love-hate relationship with them.  I don’t love them and I do hate them. So when I bought my first home 10 years ago I needed to get a lawnmower.  The days of dorm rooms and apartments were over.  I was into the homeowner phase of life.  I didn’t know where to get a lawnmower.  I didn’t know much about them.  (I still don’t.)  So my dad bought me a lawnmower.  Doesn’t that just sound right?  That is what dad’s do.  It was a nice mower too.  He bought it used from a John Deere dealership.  Wonderful push-lawn mower that cut the grass perfectly.  It’s still the most expensive mower I’ve owned. I cut the grass with that mower for a season.  The grass quit growing (when I still lived in Nebraska, Florida grows year round.  ugh.)  and I put the mower in my garage.  I went out the next spring and started it up.  I mowe
Had lunch with an older gentleman from our church this past week.  We talked about the two very different worship styles that we have at our two services.  He attends, and loves, our traditional service.  I confirmed that.  Then I told him that attendance at our contemporary service had doubled this past year.  His response was awesome, "That's great to hear!  I'm so happy that our church is reaching new people.  I'm also glad I don't have to go to that service."  I love that attitude.  The church isn't about "me" and it's not about "them."  It's about "us." Tim Boyd Lead Pastor - Westside Christian Church - Bradenton, FL

How to reach the next generation: Stop trying to reach the next generation.

How to reach the next generation.  Don’t try to reach the next generation. Maybe there are too many articles on reaching the next generation.  It’s not new to our current flavor of the month “millennials.”  Although everywhere I look there’s another article on it.  Here’s the problem. Guys like me read every single one of those articles and we desperately want to reach them.  All of my friends in the ministry share the same #1 priority = reaching lost people with the good news of Jesus Christ.  I don’t write that lightly either.  It is what drives us.  It is why we sacrifice our own money, free time, and relationships.  We open our homes, use our gas, and cook far too many cupcakes, casseroles, and BBQ.  It has very little to do with feeding our own egos (not any more - we’re in our 30’s). We’ve been playing the game by the wrong rules.  In order to accomplish this goal we have sacrificed too much.  Stay with me. My church, Westside Christian Church , has grown by 22%