Book Review: Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller

Wow! Timothy Keller is really intelligent. Now, that I have that out of the way. Keller's book, Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism , is a wonderful combination of drawing wisdom deep out of the well and making it accessible to someone of average intelligence (like me.) I think he does a great job of drawing on the collective work on the modern-day sermon. He, surprisingly, disagrees with both Fred Craddock (my favorite preacher) and Andy Stanley (many Pastor's favorite preacher). I think he has valid concern with each of those guy's approaches to what a sermon is and what is to be accomplished within the sermon. His main difference in opinion with them revolves around the debate of Expository Preaching vs. Topical Preaching. (Expository starts with the Bible and works out to daily life, whereas Topical starts with daily life and goes into the Bible. I agree completely with Keller's assessment in the book.) I ...