Will's 4th grade speech

Will had a speech to do in class. He's been working on it for a couple of weeks now. He decided that he wanted his topic to be "God." That's awesome! First, I'm glad that God is such an important topic to the little under armour wearing, cool hair flipping, video game playing kid. Also, how on earth do you do a speech about a topic as large as "God?" Haha! I, sort of, talk about God every week for 30 minutes in a speech that I have worked 10-15 hours on. However, I think Will nailed it! Here it is: "I’m going to be telling you about God today. I’m going to tell you about three things that all relate to God. About my dad, a preacher, and when I went to Africa to adopt Silas, and helping homeless people. First, I want to tell you about my dad a preacher. In case you did not know what a preacher does let me tell you. A preacher is a person that teaches about God and tells about the Bible. My dad ...