every. single. year. thanks mom & dad

I was fortunate enough to grow up with parent’s that sent me to a Bible camp for one week every summer. I say fortunate, because those weeks of camp changed my life. It was at a camp that I learned about the awesomeness and immense size of God and His creation. It was at camp that I spent time with high school and college aged Christians. They taught me that you can actually be a christian, and fun, when you are that age. It was at camp that I gave my heart to Jesus. Storm Mountain, SD - Camp I grew up in It was at camp that I learned what it meant to live life to the full. Those camps sparked creativity, a sense of purpose, and a curiosity to find out what greater things lie out there waiting for me. My time at summer camps are some of the best memories I have from my childhood. I’m so glad that my parents made me go when I was scared. I’m glad that they made summer Bible camp a priority. I know that kids are super bu...