Russian Literature, Monsters, Ephesians, and Me

When I get upset or disillusioned with someone I start to make them a monster in my thoughts. I make huge terrible assumptions about them based on tiny observations and presumed observations I have of them. Likewise, when I start to get to know someone I start to assume all kinds of great things about them. Therefore, when they finally make one mistake I start to loathe my devotion to them. (Don't act like you don't relate! In fact, if you don't relate to that then you may be blind to your ability to do that too.) Hmmm.... Looks like the problem lies with me. I like to try and make connections. That's probably why I love preaching and reading the Bible so much. There is so much information and it is incredibly interconnected. Verses, stories, and teachings from the New Testament are generally rooted in a few Old Testament stories, teachings, or commentary. The problem comes when I start to use my "connection-making ability"...