"Caged boy"

Each morning I read news from several different websites. I am kind of a news junkie. I have read stories of destruction, death, and disease. I read fun stories too. But stories like the following leave me without words. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/ct-met-caged-boy-20110525,0,4162190,full.story What about this poor boy? What was the world like to him? What does he understand? He lived a tragic life. What about the adults? What is the world like to them? What do they understand? They live tragic lives. What about the other kids? What about the neighbors, teachers, friends of, etc? I really don't believe that humans were created to be monsters like these people. I don't know how it happened to them. I am sure that they were mistreated and abused as kids too. Sin is ugly. Sin begets more sin. In a few places the Bible teaches that sin takes people over. As pe...