Fruit of the Spirit - Love (and Mr. Rogers)

One of the nicest people to ever live was a preacher. That makes me so happy because my profession has taken some hits over the years. Did you know some of the following things about Mr. Rogers? ( These items were featured on CNN and researched by mental floss.) The sweaters. Every one of the cardigans he wore on the show had been hand-knit by his mother. He made thieves think twice. According to a TV Guide piece on him, Fred Rogers drove a plain old Impala for years. One day, however, the car was stolen from the street near the TV station. When Rogers filed a police report, the story was picked up by every newspaper, radio and media outlet around town. Amazingly, within 48 hours the car was left in the exact spot where it was taken from, with an apology on the dashboard. It read, "If we'd known it was yours, we never would have taken it." He watched his figure to the pound. In covering Rogers' daily routine (waking up at 5 a.m.; praying for a few...