Original Parable: Unconnected Bricks

There was a little town that had been decimated by some recent storms. The people in this town were tough. Years ago they had been through a storm that leveled there town and they had stayed and rebuilt. Then another storm came even more powerful than the last one. Some people moved out of the town and went to somewhere safer. But these people decided that they weren’t going anywhere. Maybe they were too stubborn to go, maybe they liked it too much there, or maybe they were just plain crazy. Don’t know. This latest storm tore through the center of town and knocked down buildings. It looked like a bomb had gone off. The school was leveled, the bank, the post office, and many of the homes were destroyed. So the people of the town decided that they were going to rebuild once again. They didn’t have the money to just buy all new stuff. So it was decided that every week they would meet together and bring with them o...