More of a dance than a walk

Galatians 5:25, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” If you and I were reading this scripture together I would probably ask you what you think that meant. Then you would probably answer something like “well we should be walking with the Spirit.” I would agree and compliment you on your wonderful answer. I think both of us would have, somewhat, missed the point of this phrase. To keep in step with someone could signify a walk, but it also is the phrase you would use in dancing to keep up with your partner. “in step” seems to signify, not a walk, but a dance To be fully alive is to join God on the great dance floor of life. Many of the greatest Christian thinkers throughout history have stated that the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit (the three that make up the one God) are in a constant dance with eachother. The concept is called the Perichoresis. It’s from two greek words meaning “to dance among.”...