Original Parable: Thrown Rocks

There was once a woman who had an absolutely terrible neighbor. The woman next door was rude, would borrow things without asking (some people call that stealing), and would only talk to the woman when she needed something. The nice woman would have let many of these things go and chalked them up as eccentricities if it had not been for one more incredible problem that her neighbor had. She would throw rocks into her yard! Not just little pebbles, but full sized rocks. Where she got them from the woman did not know. Every day there would be new rocks to pick up out of the yard. At first she was very unhappy. Why would this woman throw rocks at me? What’s her problem? What have I ever done to her? This would keep her up at night. She talked to her friends about it. She never found an answer that would please her. So, one particularly cloudy day she decided to start picking up the rocks and putting them to goo...